Alpha Lambda Delta Chapter Officer Position Descriptions
Below are the descriptions for each officer position in the Eastern Kentucky University ALD chapter. Prospective members should read each description before applying for a position and ensure that they are capable of fulfilling the duties listed. Current officers should refer to these descriptions as they are carrying out their duties and use the techniques best suited to their personalities and leadership styles.
All Officers Are Expected To:
- Attend as many meetings and events as possible.
- Check email regularly and respond in a timely fashion.
- Help plan and attend the initiation ceremony in the spring.
- Attend the officers’ retreat or transition meeting in the summer.
- Identify and train potential replacements for their positions should they need to step down.
In selecting officers, members will submit an application that will be reviewed by an impartial committee based on qualifications and ability to accomplish the duties listed below. Think about the "marketable skills" listed with each position and consider which position will best help you with your career and major plans.
The Chapter President needs to be a visionary, able to work with stakeholders on-campus and off-campus as “the face” of the organization. This person should have excellent skills in organization, communication, conflict resolution, and administration. After serving a one-year term, the President typically becomes a Senior Advisor to the organization and plays a background role in decision-making as available and as needed.
- Oversees the organization
- Calls and conducts meetings
- Writes the Chapter Vision Statement after assuming the position
- Delegates responsibilities to officers who are willing and able to carry out tasks
- Provides resources and secures support for members’ projects and initiatives
- Helps inspire interest in ALD among members and prospective members
- Encourages teamwork and serves as a “peacemaker” when conflicts arise
- Should be aware of all facets of Alpha Lambda Delta
Marketable Skills: Leadership, Organization, Long-term Planning, Delegation, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Research, Organizational Structures
Vice President (President Elect)
The Chapter Vice President agrees to a two-year term because this person trains to become Chapter President, assuming the position after the Chapter President steps down in one year. This person needs to be observant, supportive, and willing to take the initiative needed to enact the Chapter President’s vision.
- Works closely with the President in planning and executing all chapter business
- Writes the Chapter Mission Statement each semester after communicating with the President and members about their goals for the organization
- Should be knowledgeable in how the organization operates
- Takes over the President’s responsibilities should the President be unable to attend events or if the President needs to take a leave of absence due to life circumstances
- Provides resources and secures support for members’ projects and initiatives
- Attends the National Leadership Conference (if possible)
Marketable Skills: Leadership, Long-term Planning, Communication, Organizational Structures, Research, Networking
The Chapter Secretary must possess excellent organizational and communication skills. This person is responsible for sending out group announcements, organizing meetings, making reports, and keeping official records of Chapter activities. The Chapter Secretary is also the go-to-resource for ALD scholarships and grants and will submit materials for both national spotlight pieces and the Order of the Torch competition.
- Reserves facilities, takes attendance, and records minutes at each meeting
- Works with the President, Vice President, and members to secure support and resources for the Chapter
- Maintains a physical and/or digital repository of official documents and meeting proceedings
- Compiles photographs, records, and other items needed for the ALD scrapbook and submits the scrapbook to the national organization each year for the Order of the Torch Competition
- Informs all members of upcoming deadlines and procedures regarding ALD scholarships and grants, forwarding candidates to the Chapter Advisor
- Submits a spotlight piece to the National Office for The Flame magazine
Marketable Skills: Event Planning, Record Keeping, Communication, Organizational Structures, Creativity
The Chapter Treasurer will be the primary signer on the Alpha Lambda Delta campus account along with another officer and an employee in the Office of First-Year Courses.
- Handles the financial affairs of the chapter
- Conducts cost anlayses to evaluate best options for the use of Chapter funds
- Keeps a ledger of debits and credits to the account, providing a balanace statement at each meeting
- Knows all rules and procedures related to expenditures from a student organization account
- Pays bills on time (food for events, shirts, vendors, etc.)
- Works with the President and Advisor to prepare the annual financial report
- Will work closely with the Office of Student Life to manage the account on campus
Marketable Skills: Budgeting, Cost Analysis, Record Keeping, Finanical Reporting, Communication
Operations Officer
The Chapter Operations Officer will propose service projects and other activities throughout the semester after consulting with both members and leadership. This person will work with leadership to secure resources and support for each event and report on the success of these events at Chapter meetings.
- Works to plan service events
- Delegates smaller events to motivated members who wish to become "Project Leaders"
- Works with the Chapter Advisor to plan the initiation ceremony and reception
- Works with the Chapter Advisor, President, and Vice President to plan a summer retreat
- Propose, plan and organize other social events for the organization during the year
- Works closely with Communications Officer to advertise events
Marketable Skills: Leadership, Event Planning, Communication, Organizational Structures, Budgeting, Marketing
Communications Officer
The Communications Officer must be the most vocal and visible member of the organization at times. This person must stay in regular communication with other officers and the Chapter Adviser, ever aware of ongoing projects, events, and developments within the organization. The Communications Officer will communicate with members through email, social media, and the ALD website. This person will also serve as the direct liasion with ALD National Headquarters.
- Sends a regularly-scheduled newsletter to all members to keep them up-to-date on the important happenings within the organization
- Works with the Chapter Advisor to design and maintain the Chapter's presence on the First-Year Courses website
- Serves as the liaison between the Chapter and the Director of Communication in the National Office
- Contributes news of chapter activities to the local media (Eastern Progress, EKU Stories, Richmond Register, etc.)
- Distributes the link of The Flame online magazine to members
- Works with social media platforms to publicize events and communicate with membership
- Responsible for event advertising and publicity efforts (i.e., EKU Students Today)
Marketable Skills: Communications, Editing, Collaboration, Organizational Structures, Web Design, Social Media, Marketing and Advertising
VP for Diveristy
The Vice President for Diversity will seek out knowledge and become the resident expert on all things related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. They will ensure that the chapter is inclusive of all individuals, regardless of belief or identity. They advocate for social justice and promote service learning and outreach initiatives to educate members of the chapter and the larger community.
- Develops strategies focused on recruiting and retaining members from all backgrounds and majors across campus
- Works closely with the Communications Officer to ensure messaging is inclusive
- Collaborates with external partners such as the Student Government Association’s Diversity Board, the EKU Center for Inclusive Excellence and Global Engagement, as well as various academic programs on campus that teach topics pertaining to diversity
- Observes meetings and group message boards to ensure that all members’ voices are being heard
- Promotes diverse representation among the ALD Board of Directors
Marketable Skills: Leadership, Cultural Competency, Integrity, Respect, Communication, Advertising, Good Judgement, Team Oriented, Research and Networking
Senior Advisors
Senior Advisors are usually former Chapter officers, faculty, or staff members who have been involved with the organization. They serve on a volunteer-basis, sometimes even after they've left the University. These indviduals may serve on panels to evaluate officer applications, provide input on yearly progress reports, or show up and volunteer at events. Their level of involvement is entirely up to them. Importantly, the involvment of Senior Advisors ensures that organizational knowledge isn't lost when new leaders transiton into their roles.