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Meet the 2024 First-Year Leaders


Kassandra Addison

Kassandra Addison

Major:    Family & Consumer Sciences Education

Campus Involvement:  Alpha Lambda, Delta, Family Consumer Sciences Student Association, Phi Upsilon Omicron

What every EKU freshman needs to know:  This is a time of big change in your life.  It is okay to feel excited and nervous all at the same time.  You should try to embrace every new experience and find your people.  College allows you to meet very different people than the people in your hometown.  You should bask in it!

Joey Aguirre

Joseph "Joey" Aguirre

Major:  Homeland Security

Campus Involvement:  Phi Kappa Tau & Recruitment Committee, Varsity League of Legends Esports

What every EKU freshman needs to know:  Don't be afraid to go out to all the events and talk to people.  Friends will help you a lot throughout college and especially during the transition from high sch

Kylie Bartholomew

Kylie Bartholomew

Major:  Psychology with a concentration in Forensics

Campus Involvement:  Students Alumni Ambassadors (SAA), National Society of Collegiate Scholars

What every EKU freshman needs to know:  It is okay to take your time.  You will experience some bumps throughout freshman year but there are resources and people that can help you on campus.  Another thing is this is the time to push yourself out of your comfort zone to try new things and meet new people.  Being involved on campus could bring lifelong friendships and give you the best college experience.

Kelsey Beedy

Kelsey Beedy

Major:  Management Accounting/Minors: Personal Finance, Pre-Law.

Campus Involvement:  President of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), Director of Fundraising and Accounting for The Society for the Advance of Management (SAM), Interim Minor Events Chair of Campus Activities Board

What every EKU freshman needs to know: College is what you make of it, so get involved and find your people! 


Gavin Bloom

Major:  Criminal Justice

Campus Involvement:  National Guard, EKU Shotgun Team

What every EKU freshman needs to know:  Life is easier when you work together.


Abigail "Abi" Burton

Major:  Psychology/Minor:  Emergency Medical Care

Campus Involvement:  First-Year Leader, Colonel Crew Leader, EKU Conferencing and Events Student Employee

What every EKU freshman needs to know: It is okay to change your mind or not know what to do.  In college, you grow so much and it's okay for your plans to change, too.  Accept change with open arms and know that it's normal to change your mind.


Alison Causey

Major:  Psychology/Minors: Appalachian Studies, Biology

Campus Involvement:  Phi Sigma Honors Society Member, Honors Program

What every EKU freshman should know:  Get involved!  There are plenty of events and groups designed for the extrovert and introvert in mind.  This will enrich your experience and help you find your place on campus.

Bekah Ehbert

Bekah Ebert

Major:  Occupational Therapy/Minor: Sign Language and Special Education

Campus Involvement:  Smile Club, AmeriCorps, Campus Outreach

What every EKU freshman should know:  As a freshman, everyone expects you to know what is to come of your entire future.  Don't let that stress you out.  I have found many passions at EKU that have led to not only meeting so many amazing people, but also understanding what I want to do with my time here.  Time goes crazy fast so enjoy every day!  And feel free to reach out to me at any time!


James Eckert

Major: Sports Management/Minor:  Law

Campus Involvement: First-Year Leader

What every freshman needs to know: Organization is your best friend!  Having a clearly defined schedule makes various aspects of your first year of college so much easier to navigate.  It gives you a clear understanding of what you need to do and when, and reduces the anxiety that often comes with the uncertainty of a new environment!


Elizabeth "Lizzie" Faulconer

Major:  English and History Middle School Education

Campus Involvement:  First-Year Leader

What every EKU freshman needs to know: You don't have to have everything figured out your first semester. Always know and use your campus resources. And remember who you are! Changes are coming. Embrace them and always keep your head up. 


Brandon Fletcher

Major: Forensic Chemistry

Campus Involvement: First-Year Leader

What every EKU freshman needs to know: Time management is the biggest skill needed for college success. Even if you're bad at time management you can take steps to find solutions to manage your time better. Mental health is the other main important thing. Don't be afraid to seek out help if you need it; there are resources all over campus to help you out, and there's nothing to be ashamed of for seeking out the help you may need.


Brooklynn Floyd

Major:  General Business/Concentration in Business and Marketing Education

Campus Involvement:  Campus Outreach, Financial Aid Student Employee

What every EKU freshman needs to know:  I think every EKU freshman should know how important it is to get involved on campus and how to organize their schedules.

Alexis Harris

Malina Gaworski

Major:  Forensic Psychology & Spanish

Campus Inolvement:  Chi Omega President, Honors College, Psi Chi Honors Society, Student Life and First-Year Experience Student Employee, El Centro Peer Tutor

What every EKU freshman needs to know:  College is not as scary and hard as you might think!  With the right resources and people, it can be the best years of your life.


Kyra Mills

Major: Emergency Medical Care Administration

Campus Involvement: Dean of Students Advisory Council, Epsilon Sigma (Paramedic Fraternity)

What every EKU freshman needs to know: It is natural to experience some bumps in the road when adjusting to college! College is unlike any other experience in your life up to this point. You will encounter new expectations, new experiences, and new people all in an unfamiliar environment. It’s okay to feel a little overwhelmed at first…your professors, administrators, and fellow peers will help you adjust! 


Haley Ramales

Major:  Business and Marketing/Minor:  Sales

Campus Involvement:  PSE (Phi Sigma Epsilon-Professional fraternity for sales, marketing, and management)

What every EKU freshman needs to know:  I think every EKU freshman should know about all of EKU's students success services.  Take advantage of them and don't be afraid to ask for any help!


Ashley Smith

Major:  Criminal Justice/Minor: Chemistry

Campus Involvement:  First-Year Leader, Student Guru

What every EKU freshman needs to know:  It's okay to struggle and not be okay.  Don't rush your process and allow others to help you during it!  Sometimes a helping hand is all people need.  Be open to that!

Chelsea Stephens

Chelsea Stephens

Major:  Elementary Education

Campus Involvement:  ARA (Tour Guide), Orientation Leader

What every EKU freshman needs to know:  College is what you make it, so get out and get involved!  Every chance you get, start a conversation!


Zakk Stivers

Major: Aviation

Campus Involvement: Student Alumni Ambasssador, Aviation Student Ambassador, Residential Advisor

What every EKU freshman needs to know: Get involved!

Jaicy Todd

Jaicy Todd

Major:  Elementary Education

Campus Involvement:  Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority, KEA-AE, GearUp Kentucky

What every EKU freshman needs to know:  College isn't may seem like you will never get the hang of it, but with good time management and learning what to prioritize, you will go far!  Do not be afraid to put yourself out there and try new things.  You will do great!


Edward Wieland

Major: Psychology

Campus Involvement: Lambda Sigma Honor Society, Special Olympics

What every EKU freshman needs to know: Every new student should know that even though they must hold themselves accountable, they are not alone. There are tons of resources on campus to help you succeed. Get involved with activities and make friends. Find someone to mentor you throughout your time at college and your future career.

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